1. Item Name : Eduman - Learning Management System
  2. Created: 09 May, 2023
  3. Item Version : v1.0.0
  4. Author : Bdevs
  5. Support Ticket: https://support.bdevs.net/

Welcome to Documentation

This script has two part one is backend for project dashboard with APIs and another is progressive web app (PWA) with React. Also It has swagger API documentation. So you can understand easily how many APIs are there and how it works. Click on APIs documentation to view

We used laravel installer so-that you can easily install it with any cpanel server. But we will describe how to install both Linux server and cpanel server and included the instructions of minimum php version, creating database and managing files on a server.

We are available in our support desk if you're not familiar with the procedures presented. Click on Support Desk


Regular License

Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.

Extended License

Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users can be charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.

Please purchase Extended License if you are going to sell as a service. Envato License Policy

Server Requirements

It is laravel 9.0, it's minimum server requirements will check with laravel installer or alternatively you can contact with your hosting provider.

  • PHP >= 8.1
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension

Ubuntu / Linux / Localhost Installation

Go to your project @main folder of project root folder and follow the below step.

Step 1: Open your terminal/gitbash and run - composer install

Step 2: run - php artisan migrate

Step 3: run - php artisan db:seed

Step 4: run - php artisan serve

If you want to run project with valet. You do not need to run step 4. You have to open terminal with project and run the below commands.

Step 4: run - valet link eduman(project-name)

Step 5: for secure url run - valet secure eduman(project-name)

Now you are alomst complete your step, here you just need to clear cache with below commands.

Step 6: run - php artisan cache:clear

Step 7: run - php artisan route:clear

Step 8: run - php artisan config:clear

Step 9: run - valet link eduman

Step 10: run - valet link eduman

If you will change code, so you have to regenarate swagger api again. Don't worry you can do it with the below command.

Step 11: run - php artisan l5-swagger:generate

We are now in final stage. We need to compile sass & node packages with the below command.

Step 12: run - npm run install and npm run dev

Step 13( production ): run - npm run install and npm run build

Step 14: run - php artisan key:generate

CPanel Installation

There is prebuilt laravel installer and describe it step by steps in below:

Create New Database

You need to create new database from cpanel before starting installation. You can follow the below steps:

Step 1: Create a new user
Step 2: Add the user to the database
Step 3: Select full permissions on the database to that user

Upload File to Server

Upload backend-eduman folder on the web root folder of your domain.

Installation Wizard

You are ready for script installation. Please go to your website address, then you'll see an installation wizard and follow the below steps:

Step 1: Open the laravel installer from the below link.

Now you can see the below screen.

Step 2: System Requirements

In this step, you need to click on "Check requirement" button. It will show the System Requirements.


Step 3: Directory Permissions

In this step, you need to set the appropriate permissions for some system folders that shows on below picture.


Step 4: Database Setting

In this step, You need to put your database credentials


final 5: Exit

exit now.


Dashboard Login

Wow, You have done all procedures of installation. Login your dashboard with below credentials.



You are available in our Support Desk.

Yes, It will need for developing your site with MAC OS config can be like this. See code from View

It is for Linux or cpanel server. See code from View

You have to do it for running project cpanel smoothly and avoiding public folder as root.

If you can not login in your backend, you have to add SESSION_DOMAIN & SANCTUM_STATEFUL_DOMAINS in .env file.



Yes, You need to set return page after mollie payment. You need to add this url & mollie key in .env file.

Yes, Your password is correct but you need to add password in double quatation like "your password"

Please check .env.example file in @main folder of project root.

It is easy. we just need to remove link. then it will remove automatically from frontend.